Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Maharashtra Govt makes provision of 4 lakh tonne fertilizers

May 19 : Maharashtra Agriculture Minister Balasaheb Thorat today said the state government had made provision of four lakh tonnes of fertilizers as buffer stock this year for the Kharif season to lessen the hardship faced by farmers.

Addressing the media after taking stock of the situation in the Konkan Division here, Mr Thorat said taking lessons from the previous experiences, the government had taken various measures this time and ensured that the farmers get the fertilizers and seeds for sowing too.

He said control rooms have been set up at various places and will be at the disposal of the farmers to register their grievances, which would be attended to promptly without any delay.

Stating that the state faced issues on procuring the complex fertilizers, he advised the farmers to use mixed fertilizers as they were easily available.

''We stress on the use of mixed fertilizers and have sufficient stock. They will be released at the appropriate time and we will ensure that there is no complaint from any quarters.'' He said at least 80 per cent of the fertilizers were imported, while 20 per cent were indiginous. There was no issue as far as Urea was concerned.

He further said the state had received a sum of Rs 12.50 crore for the protection of crops. This was mainly for the protection of soyabean, which has faced tremendous losses along with cotton crops.

Under this project, volunteers would be deployed in each and every area to report online the situation of the crops and pests if any, which would be resolved.

''This is a major concern for us and if successful, this experiment would be extended to the other crops,'' he said.

Mr Thorat said a sum of Rs 500 crore had been distributed as compensation for the crops lost last year.

In the last five years, a sum of around Rs 3,000 crore had been distributed as compensation. It included Rs 109 crore for mangoes.

He added the Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth was conducting research to find a permanent solution to the problem of pests.

On distribution of the seeds, the Minister said a proposal to have an independent act for control of seeds for the state was pending with the Centre and the state was following it up closely.

In case of seeds, criminal cases have also been lodged against the agencies and companies which supply substandard seeds, he said.

He elaborated that besides the ongoing month-long Vriksha Dindi programme, a prestigious Moola Stanik Jalasandaran competition has been organized throughout the state, for which a sum of Rs 1.5 crore was provided. The award will be given to villages which excel in irrigation and water usage.

Talking about the violent incident at Parole in Jalgaon, he said ''while the demand for the seeds was 16 lakh bags, the company RAASI could supply only 2.67 lakh bags and we were distributing the same in a orderly manner in the villages. There was delay in a distribution centre leading to unpleasant incidences.'' Replying to a query on the Republican Party of India (Athavale) chief Ramdas Athavale blaming him for his defeat in the recent election, Mr Thorat said ''we are really sorry that he was defeated.

The facts are before everyone and we are ready to face any kind of examination. I have no issues in an enquiry being carried out to find the truth, he declared.

''His defeat has affected us too,'' he added.


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